How can I activate and use the autofill function on an Android phone?

Activate autofill for Android

  • Log in to your SecureSafe.
  • Go to “Settings”.
  • Activate “Fingerprint Login”.
  • Activate "Login without internet connection".
  • Activate "Autofill service".

Use autofill for Android

  • Open the app, which you want to log in to.
  • Activate the username field and choose “Check within SecureSafe”.
  • You are asked to verify your identity via Fingerprint.
  • Select the saved password entry.
  • Your username and password are automatically copied into the login fields.

You must have Android 9.0 or higher to use the autofill feature. Currently the feature is supported by a limited number of apps such as the Facebook and Twitter app. Amongst browsers, it is supported by Firefox Focus only. Please be aware that it is not up to SecureSafe but to the individual app / browser providers whether they support this feature or not.